Sunday, January 16, 2011

List the usage of ICT in everyday life

a. (a) Education

  • Teachers use computers to research for teaching materials, participate in online forums and online conferences ./ guru guna komputer untuk mencari bahan pengajaran, terlibat dengan forum dan perbincangan atas talian- (macam cit cat )
  • Students use the computers as a reference tool and browse the Internet ./ Pelajar guna komputer sebagai alat rujukan dan mencari bahan daripada internet
  • Researchers use computers to collect and process data. / penyelidik guna komputer untuk mengumpul dan memproses data
  • School administrators use computers for administrative purposes to make sure that the entire operation runs smoothly.

(b) Banking

  • Electronic Banking Services:

Automated Teller Machine (ATM),Cheque Deposit,Electronic Fund Tranfer, Direct Deposit, Pay by phone system, Personal computer / internet banking.

  • Customers can make any transactions at the 24 hour service centres or via online.
  • Businessmen using the online services , access company accounts for loan applications, business transactions and update their cash flow at any time.
  • Bank administrators can oversee the entire banking activities such as reconciliations, inter-branch transactions (IBT), telegraphic transfer and others by referring to the banking system.

(c) Industry

  • Computers are used to facilitate production planning and control systems
  • Computers help Workers operate machines.
  • Computers help Researchers to analyse and collect research data for future reference.
  • Administrators use computers to oversee and control the entire operations in the factory.


  • Computer makes buying and selling activities easier, more efficient and faster. / komputer membolehkan urusan membeli dan menjual mudah, lebih efisen dan pantas
  • Customers use computers online with suppliers to purchase products. / pelanggan guna komputer secara online untuk beli produk daripada pembekal
  • Suppliers keep track of their transactions. All products are bar coded and can be read by the computer scanner to help in determining prices and managing inventory. / pembekal guna komputer untuk lihat rekod transaksi. Semua produk mempunyai bar kod dan dibaca oleh komputer melalui pengimbas bagi membantu menentukan harga dan mengurus inventori
  • Employees use computers and telephones to communicate with their customers for any enquiries. / pekerja guna komputer dan telefon untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan untuk mengurus sebarang pertanyaan.

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