Monday, January 17, 2011

Describe the translation method of programming using assembler,interpreter and compiler


1. Assembler is a computer program that translates asssembly language into machine language

Low level language - translate to - machine code

2. Intrepreter is a computer program that translate a high level language into machine language. Intrepreter translates programming statement of a program into machine language; no object code is saved and then executes it immediately, line by line. ( Interpreted code generally run more slowly)

High-level language - translate to - machine code

3. Compiler is a computer program that translates high-level language into machine
language. Compiler translates entire programming statement of a program into machine language, save it an object code file and then executes it later.

High-level language- translate to - object code - translate to - machine code

Translation Method


1. Assembler

An assembler is a computer program for translating assembly language — essentially, a mnemonic representation of machine language — into machine language.

Example : MACRO-80 Assembler and Microsoft MASM

2. Interpreter

Interpreter is used to interpret and execute program directly from its source without compiling it first.

Example: BASIC, Logo and Smalltalk.

3. Compiler

The source code (in text format) will be converted into machine code which is a file consisting of binary machine code that can be executed on a computer. If the compiler encounters any errors, it records them in the program-listing file.

Example: C++, Pascal and COBOL

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